"Embrace the beginner in you."
Rachel is one of the founders of R.C. Annie. Rachel is a highly respected Fight & Intimacy Director with an enviable career in multiple mediums. Rachel has been kind enough to give us the opportunity to ask her some questions and share her knowledge with us.
Rachel Cristi Bown-Williams
Fight and Intimacy Director, BADC Stage Combat Instructor Examiner and Kundalini Global Yoga Teacher.
Career highlight thus far?
Imogen at the Globe where we created Aerial fights, Boudica - lots of live battles on the Globe stage it was so epic! Way up Stream where we got to choreograph a fight in 6ft water. Rebellion and Wars of the Roses at the RSC live fights and filmed battles.
Can you tell us about a difficultly you’ve faced in your career and how you managed to overcome it both literally and mentally?
I am really bad at saying no to jobs so often I don’t make time for anything outside of work. So we are often working at full capacity. Lockdown during the pandemic was a real shock, we had some touch and go moments where we weren’t sure we could get the company through it. We diversified and took a lot of our teaching and training online. It actually was really useful to reassess what we have achieved in our careers and what we want to do next. We also got some time to recognise just how busy we had been and to attempt slow down a bit, look after the mental health of ourselves and those who work for us. I also trained to be a Kundalini Yoga teacher during this time and we became members of the Intimacy practioners guild. So it really helped shape where we are at now. Working with intimacy, consent and boundaries in the rehearsal room.
How long have you been doing what you do?
I graduated as an actor from Rose Bruford College in 1999, I qualified as a BADC Teacher in 2003, We set up Rc-Annie LTD in 2005.
How did you start doing your job?
Its a long story, I’ll save it for the first day. (RC Annie is running a certified fight training retreat with Both Feet at Bodlondeb Retreat https://www.both-feet.co.uk/stage-combat-retreat Come along and gain accreditation in
2 x weapon systems: Broadsword and Unarmed combat to BADC Standard Level
which you can use for the rest of your career. It's an incredibly unique retreat and a very rare opportunity.)