1:1 & Small Groups Coaching
Nervous about an audition or self tape?
Feel like something isn't quite working but don't know what?
Do you want a new fresh perspective or a reminder of how to connect to yourself or your character more deeply?
Need an assistant director to help in rehearsals or want a bespoke cast team building session.
We've got you covered.
We offer 1:1 and small group coaching in person or digitally (location depending). No matter what it is, we can help.
Arranging your session couldn't be easier, check the prices below and then press the button to choose your time.
The Details
Online 1:1's and Small Group Coaching we charge
£45/30mins or £75/hour
4x 1hr hour sessions @ £270
8x 1hr sessions @ £520
We offer discounted fees and payment plans for those from diverse and low income backgrounds.
Please contact us if you think this applies to you.
We're very flexible and happy to travel so if you'd like us to come to you we're happy to discuss your needs and how we can help.
We've been brought in to help with rehearsals, cast team building and much more.